packaging design for Satoyama Jujo
Satoyama Jujo
packaging design
credit :
creative & art direction: shun kawakami, artless Inc.
photography: yuu kawakami, artless Inc.
graphic design: koyuki inagaki, artless Inc.
assistant design: hitomi yasuda, artless Inc.
project management: asami kinoshita, artless Inc.
We were in charge of packaging design for binned products, produced by Satoyama Jujo, a lifestyle inn located in Niigata prefecture, Japan.
Satoyama Jujo is one of the two hotels in Japan that has been selected by Design Hotels. The building was originally an old Japanese folk house aged 150 years old, renovated and redesigned by Toru Iwasa – founder of lifestyle magazine “Jiyujin.” Designer furnitures exampled by Scandinavian furnitures, breathe in new attractiveness to the traditional charms of the folk house, creating a comfortable harmony.
The design initiated from thinking how Satoyama Jujo enables to translate traditional context into modern-day sensibilities. By blending Japanese elements, such as map and vertical texts, with English copywriting, we attempted to achieve a design with universal appeal, for audience from both outside and inside of Japan. Minimal and elegant design for authenticity, while the dynamically laid out hand-written font plays a role as a pattern, as well as an expression for Satoyama Jujo’s handmade charms.
artless Inc.は、新潟県に位置する宿泊施設「里山十帖」の食品パッケージのデザインを担当しました。
ライフスタイル雑誌「自遊人」創刊者、岩佐十良氏プロデュース及び運営、古民家をリノベーションして建てられたこの施設は、日本では2つしか選出されていないDesign Hotelsのひとつでもあります。北欧家具をはじめとするデザイナーズ家具たちが、築後約150年、総欅づくり、総漆塗りの空間に活き、心地よい空間を生み出しています。