DFA Design for Asia Awards / Merit Award – artless craft tea & coffee
credit :
art direction, v.i. & interior design, artwork: shun kawakami, artless Inc.
construction & design: kogazo architects
graphic & web design: shinsaku iwatachi, artless Inc.
web programming: adrien dufond, artless interactive
photography: yuu kawakam, artless Inc.
artless Inc. is proud to announce that our branding project for artless craft tea and coffee was honored with the Merit Award from DFA Design for Asia Awards 2017, one of the most coveted design awards in Asia.
The DFA Awards is an internationally recognized program launched in 2003 by the Hong Kong Design Centre with the aim of cementing Hong Kong’s role as the epicenter of design in Asia. With a focus on the ever-expanding design industry in Asia, the DFA Award recognizes and celebrates exemplary designs with an Asian perspective. With over a thousand entries from more than 23 countries across the globe, the DFA Awards has a strong international influence in Asia. The awards ceremony will take place on December 6th in Hong Kong, and the winning works will be exhibited during “IDFA Awards Exhibition at DesignInspire” at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre for three days from December 7th to the 9th.
The Japanese concepts of “wabi-sabi” and “incomplete beauty”, originating from the “sado (tea ceremony)” culture are hard to come by in daily life. artless craft tea & coffee is a tea and coffee stand with the design concept “chashitsu (tea room)”, where the notions of “sado” is expressed through a modern sensibility.
Created and managed by creative agency artless Inc., every aspect of the shop, including spatial design, product design, and graphic design, as well as menu development, is infused with notions inherent in “sado” and expressed through a modern vocabulary to create a “chashitsu” that synthesizes tradition with modernity.
As part of the mission to turn the space into a cultural hub, the shop also includes an art gallery where up-and-coming artists can exhibit their work. The space functions as a place where like-minded creatives can meet and share ideas.
As a space that expresses traditional Japanese culture through a modern aesthetic, the shop has become popular with inbound visitors from around the world, as well as young people who are interested in traditional culture.
■ artless craft tea & coffee
nakame gallery street J2
2-45-12, kami-meguro, meguro-ku, tokyo 153-0051 japan
tel. 03-6434-1345
opening hours/11:00~20:00 ※open daily except otherwise noticed
artless Inc.がトータルプロデュースと運営を行う artless craft tea & coffeeが、香港の権威あるデザイン賞「アジアデザイン賞 / DFA Designs for Asia Awards 2017」の「優秀賞 / Merit Award」を受賞しました。
DFA Design For Asia Awards 2017
AWARD : Merit Award
PROJECT NAME : artless craft tea & coffee – Identity & Branding
アジアデザイン賞(DFA)は、香港をアジアのデザイン拠点として位置づけるべく、2003年に香港デザインセンターの主催によって開始された世界的なデザイン賞で、毎年世界23カ国以上、1000件以上のエントリーのある国際的なアワードです。本年度は2017年12月6日に香港で授賞式が行われ、12/7~9の3日間 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centreにて開催される「IDFA Awards Exhibition at DesignInspire」にて受賞作品の展示が予定されています。
茶道の「侘び寂び」そして「未完の美」という日本独自の美意識をベースに現代的なデザイン表現を行った artless craft tea & coffee は、空間デザインのコンセプトを「現代の茶室」とし、茶道においてと同様に空間・プロダクト・グラフィックなど細部へのこだわりと配慮を大切にしています。また店内奥には、文化の拠点として新たな価値やコミュニケーションが生まれる場所としてアポイントメント制ギャラリーを併設。現代的な美意識と伝統的な日本文化を表現する空間として、世界中の旅行客や伝統文化に興味を持つ若者が日々多く訪れています。
お近くにお越しの際は、ぜひ artless craft tea & coffee にお立ち寄り下さい。
■ artless craft tea & coffee
東京都目黒区上目黒 2-45-12 nakame gallery street J2(85)
tel. 03-6434-1345
営業時間/11:00~20:00 不定休