NMRL : New Material Research Laboratory 新素材研究所
credit :
web design by artless Inc.
creative direction: shun kawakami, artless Inc.
graphic design & art direction: nao nozawa, artless Inc.
development & cms development: adrien dufond (manmaru, Inc.)
client: New Material Research Laboratory
We were in charge of designing the website for New Material Research Laboratory (NMRL). NMRL is an architectural firm founded by contemporary artist Hiroshi Sugimoto and architect Tomoyuki Sakakida.
“NMRL stands against standardized and superficial construction materials and is dedicated to utilizing traditional materials that require the spirit and skills of true artisans.” From the glass tea house at the Venice Biennale to the MOA Museum of Art, the laboratory’s philosophy is the unwavering foundation of each of their serene yet powerful projects.
To showcase the achievements of the firm, we arranged the photographs of their work in a grid-based design to highlight the delicate refinement of each project. The systematically arranged top page utilizes movement only possible in the digital realm to express the richness of the works. Distilling the design to only the essential elements allows the many photographs by globally renowned artist Hiroshi Sugimoto to fully express NMRL’s unique vision. The Odawara Art Foundation ENOURA OBSERVATORY, envisioned by Hiroshi Sugimoto and designed by NMRL, will open to the public this autumn to deliver their singular philosophy and unparalleled quality.
その類まれなるクオリティ高さを誇る各プロジェクトの写真を整然とグリッドにそって配列する事で、雅やかな各プロジェクトの品格が表現されたwebデザインを徹底しました。 TOPでは整頓されながらも、動きによって豊かさを表現し、webだからこそ成し得る動作で表現に華を添えています。日本が世界に誇る杉本博司氏による作品写真は圧巻であり、要素を研ぎ澄ませ、写真をふんだんに盛り込む事でその世界観をあます所なく表現しています。
今秋には杉本博司氏が構想し、新素材研究所が設計を手掛けた「小田原文化財団 江の浦測候所」が一般公開され、唯一無二の哲学とその圧倒的なクオリティに、更なる展開が期待されています。