traditional contemporary by shun kawakami at Phaédo Gallery (Shanghai, China)
traditional contemporary by shun kawakami
at Phaédo Gallery, Shanghai
date: 2018.3.16 fri – 4.8 sun
venue: Phaédo Gallery
hours: 13:00 – 19:00 (tues – sun) closed on mondays / reservations only
address: 129-1, WuKang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
A solo exhibition “traditional contemporary” by Shun Kawakami, artist / art director of a branding agency artless Inc., will be on show at Phaédo Gallery in Shanghai.
Kawakami is an award-winning art director with a deep understanding of global art and design trends. His professional expertise allows him to focus and practice expressing the fundamentals of traditional Japanese aesthetics, with inspirations from classic Japanese arts. On the contrary, the production methods taken are rather contemporary. It involves making graphic collages from photographs, drawings and digitized visuals, such as scanned images. These digitally created graphics are printed on traditionally hand-crafted papers, such as gold and silver foil papers, created by artisans from Kanazawa. By adopting these delicately made papers, the elements of ‘wabi-sabi’ are expressed – through the nonartificial blurring of the ink and the degradation of the finished artworks over time – in order to pursue ‘unintended expressions in prints’.
Kawakami’s digital collages, interactive-artworks, and multimedia installations are sublime experiences in zen poetry that confidently push the boundaries of their media. Kawakami recently received the Salon des Beaux Arts, Carrousel du Louvre, Médaille d’Or for his 2017 installation at The Louvre. Kawakami’s projects are supported and produced by artless Inc., a branding agency that he founded in 2001. Under his guidance, artless Inc. has grown into one of Tokyo’s most highly awarded firms, with clients ranging from Four Seasons Hotel to Issey Miyake. Together with his team, Kawakami works to develop and promote a new vision for modern Japanese aesthetics.
Kawakami is an art director and artist who expresses the fundamentals of traditional Japanese aesthetics in a contemporary context. At Phaédo Gallery, we proudly present “tradional contemporary” – an art exhibition that embraces Japanese traditional aesthetics using technologies combined with design.
ブランディングエージェンシー artless Inc. 代表でありアーティスト/アートディレクターの川上シュンが、個展「traditional contemporary」を上海のPhaédo Gallery にて開催する運びとなりました。
デジタルコラージュやインタラクティブ作品、マルチメディアなインスタレーションなど、常に新しい表現方法を模索する川上の作品は、メディアによる境界を広げ続けています。昨年12月には、毎年ルーヴル美術館で開催される Salon des Beaux Arts にメインアーティストとして招待されインスタレーションを行い、金賞 Médaille d’Or を受賞しました。
アートディレクター、そしてアーティストとして国内外で活躍する川上シュン。日本の伝統的美意識を内包しつつ、デザイン手法とテクノロジーで、伝統と現代の融合を試みるアート作品「traditional contemporary」の展示に是非ご注目下さい。
Phaédo Gallery, Shanghai
“Phaédo Gallery” is an art gallery created by“Phaédo”, an aesthetic brand based in China and led by designer and Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts graduate Zhu Zhu. Making its debut in Milano Fashion Week in February 2017, the brand is known for its philosophical and aesthetic values that weigh importance on timelessness, unadorness, and wabi-sabi.
Although located in a central district in Shanghai, the gallery consisting of four rooms and a garden with a tea room for guests, is like a secret hideout with a serene and meditative atmosphere.
please make a booking before visiting the gallery
booking methods:
1. wechat: Phaedo_official
2. email to Feile:
3. direct message on instagram: @feile_phaedo_shanghai_gallery
「Phaédo Gallery」は、アントワープ王立芸術アカデミーでファッションデザインを学んだデザイナー Zhu Zhuがディレクションを行っており、独自の審美によりインテリア、ファッション、アート作品までを手がけるブランド「Phaédo」が運営するアートギャラリーです。 2017年2月にMilano Fashion Week で初のコレクションを発表した同ブランドは、時代に左右されないタイムレスなデザインでありながら「侘び寂び」の理念を大切にした詩的な世界観で異彩を放ちました。上海の中心部という立地に反し、静かな場所に隠れる同ギャラリーは4つの部屋と庭園、そしてその隣には来場客がお茶を楽しめる茶室を構えており、他のギャラリーにはない「隠れ家」の風格が漂います。
※ 本ギャラリーは予約制です。ご希望の方は以下いずれかの方法で事前にご予約をお願いいたします。
1. wechat: Phaedo_official
2. email 担当 Feile宛:
3. instagram ダイレクトメッセージ: @feile_phaedo_shanghai_gallery
gallery info
address: No.129-1, WuKang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
hours: 13:00 – 19:00 (tues – sun) closed on mondays / reservations only
wechat: Phaedo_official
brand site: