7c winery

7c winery


brand design:
logo + visual identity
brand guide

graphic & sign design
web design
wine package design
uniform design
store & lounge item design

branding: artless Inc.
creative direction : shun kawakami, artless Inc.
art direction: shun kawakami, artless Inc.
graphic design: ayako shien, artless Inc.
assistant design: honoka ino & shion hata, artless Inc.
project management: asami kinoshita, artless Inc.
web programming: hyper creation alpha,inc
signage & item photography: yuu kawakami
client: 株式会社 大伴リゾート


Kawaguchiko’s first winery with its own vineyard, “7c|seven cedars winery,” has opened in Fujikawaguchiko, a town located in the northern foothills of Fuji, Yamanashi Prefecture. With wine maker Hiroko Takano, creating wines that puts the spotlight on grape farmers and utilizes idle farmland for viticulture; the winery is hoped to help solve regional issues in the agriculture industry in Fujikawaguchiko Town.

artless provided comprehensive brand design consultation ranging from brand strategy to art direction, design, architecture, interior design, and landscape design based on a fusion of global and local perspectives to ensure that Japanese wine from Yamanashi Prefecture, the birthplace of Japanese wine, reaches a global audience.

The name “7c | seven cedars winery” is derived from the seven thousand-year-old cedars of Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine ( consecrated in 865). In the past, Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine was built to quell the eruption of Fuji, and since then, it has protected the Kawaguchi area and taken root in the local community. The name of the facility was chosen from our desire to make it a space that, much like the Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine, is rooted in the community, and to pay tribute to the people who have continued to protect this area.

The logo combines the silhouette of Mt. Fuji, the largest mountain in Japan, with sharp vertical lines that are reminiscent of the seven thousand-year-old cedars of Kawaguchi Sengen Shrine. The vertical lines represent the layout of the seven thousand-year-old cedars within the shrine grounds, as well as the light pouring down from the heavens and the blessing of rain. In order to keep streamlining on the winemaking side to a minimum, and to take advantage of the characteristics of each product, which are made by fine-tuning the winemaking process for each winegrower to fully express their strengths and individuality; the farmer’s name, grape variety and composition are clearly indicated, and the colors also reflect the characteristics of the wine. We will continue to strive to find new expressions of terroir and improve 7c’s sustainable branding for the future.


山梨県、富士北麓地域に位置する富士河口湖町に、自社葡萄畑を有する河口湖初のワイナリー「7c|seven cedars winery」がスタートいたしました。女性醸造家の鷹野ひろ子氏による、葡萄栽培者に光を当てたワインづくりや遊休農地を葡萄栽培に活用するなど、富士河口湖町の農業の地域課題の解決にも期待が寄せられています。

artlessは、日本ワイン発祥の地/ 山梨県の日本ワインとして、世界へ広く届くように、グローバルとローカルの融合的視点を軸としたブランドストラテジーからアートディレクション、デザイン、そして、建築やインテリア、ランドスケープまで包括的なブランドデザインコンサルティングを行いました。

「7c | seven cedars winery 」の名は、河口浅間神社( 865年奉斎 )の7本の千年杉に由来しています。その昔、富士の噴火を鎮めるために建てられた河口浅間神社は、以来、河口という土地を守り、地域に根差し、親しまれてきました。地域にとって大切な存在である、河口浅間神社と同じように、地域に根ざし、この地の人々に親しまれる施設にしていきたいという願いと、この地を守り続けてきて下さったことへの敬意を評し、この地ならではの縁を名に冠しました。
